
Relationship Test from Swathisthana Chakra

Your energy center for unions is the Swathisthana Chakra. Located two inches below the navel, this is the center of the Soul, where all lessons are learned through attraction of suitable people and situations in life. It governs all unions, be it union of a husband and wife, employer and employee, supplier and customers, client and supplier, teacher and student or brother and sister.

Why you form relationships

Human beings form unions to derive happiness, joy and pleasure. Unions lead to your personal development as there are lessons to be learnt in every relationship. Your innate talent and deepest fears are exposed through the alliances you form. Every union triggers something within you – it could expose your incompetence or bring forth the warrior in you, or lift a veil from your unconscious. How you benefit from the experience is up to you – whether you move ahead or sit back with fear and dislike.

All unions are soul-based, whether they are body union (for human experience) or mind-body union (for mental evolution) or a soul union (to achieve one’s life purpose). And each union has a purpose of contributing to your evolution. Ultimately, all unions are there to teach you and bring the best out of you. This is a constant process that goes on in your lives – the making of egos and their dissolution in Realization. Every union teaches you how to survive, grow and develop. It is the beliefs and fear within you that make the Universe send you “tests” or challenges, so that in the process of handling the test, you learn how to release the fear.

So if you feel that:

You cannot defend yourself… the Universe sends you enemies

You are not good enough… the Universe sends you people/situations that pull you down

You cannot accept… Universe sends you unimaginable situations that you cannot accept but cannot escape from either

You are not supported… Universe removes your support, so that you learn to stand on your own feet

You cannot forgive… Universe sends you love that betrays you

You cannot express… Universe sends you difficult situations in which you need to speak out to resolve them

How to find Completeness

The Swathisthana Chakra brings completeness in your lives. The answers are all within you. You don’t have to learn anything new. You just have to unlearn what you have been conditioned with all your mortal life. You can either find this “Completeness” by attracting your desires and dropping them by fulfilment, or delve within in deep meditation and discover that it is already there.

Overall, you can resolve your lessons by either facing the situation thrown at you or by dwelling within your divine self to bring them to the surface.  A 16-mukhi Nepal Rudraksha provides good support in balancing this chakra in order to learn the lessons of completeness within.

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