
The Power of Deities in Yantras and Idols

Today we will look at the forms and geometries of deities and how we can harness their cosmic power. Know that every deity has a geometry specific to the power and vibration of that deity. When we perform worship of a photo, idol or yantra of that deity, we are tapping into the power of that God or Goddess.

Divine forms and Shapes

Every living entity has a form, a shape and features. Even a non-living stone develops a form and become living when it is carved into an idol. The non-living air develops a form when filled inside a balloon and makes it round. Water develops a form when it is pumped into a square tank.

Forms as Idols and Yantras

The geometry of every deity should be true to its manifest form. For instance, the geometry of Lord Ganesh in form of an idol must bear a trunk, big ears and a protruded belly. The external form of a deity is important when we are worshipping the Cosmic power in manifest form. Shiva will be Lord Shiva only when he has a trishul, a damru, the third eye, a snake around his neck and tiger skin wrapped around his body. Maa Durga’s manifest form will not be complete without her mount lion, her weapons and the red sari. Vishnu would not be complete without the shankha, the chakra, the Gada and the Padma.

Geometries such as the pyramid and the Shree Yantra would not be complete unless there is the specific structure, prescribed shapes and angles. In fact, all the power of yantra comes from its form. Each deity’s energy can be crystalized into a form. This form maybe made from squares triangles and circles.

Never use two Idols or Yantras together

To energise a living space, the idol or yantra may be placed in the direction as specified, depending on the diety or planetary energy being harnessed. However, if you keep two similar deity idols or yantras together, they stop generating any positive effect. After conducting several tests in this matter, I concluded that it is because two or more similar geometries tend to cancel each other. This is the reason why two Shivlinga or two similar Idols or yantras should not be kept in the same room. The same thing happens when you keep more than one Shaligram in a room. However if you keep an even number of Shaligrams starting from 4, they work.

Yantras and space

Another interesting finding I discovered was that Idols only worked in the periphery of the room (within enclosed walls), and they seemed to work through light energy and not by sound. Also, the larger the geometry of the deity, the larger is the aura it generates.

So a 9″ yantra or a bigger Idol covers more area than a 2″ one.  However, I find that a 5″ size Yantra or Idol or a small lingam of 2″ is sufficient for a standard room size. Having said that,  I am convinced that a larger one will not any harm. It was it was only for sufficiency purposes that the minimum sizes have been specified.

To know more about Yantras, watch this workshop:

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