
What can you do on Maha Shivratri, 1st March?

This is the day the offers immense possibilities for spiritual growth. Meditation and mantra chanting has to be the order of the day.

Mahashivratri will start from 3.16 am on 1st March and will continue till 10:00 am on 2nd March. On the night of Shivratri, worship is done in 4 prahar or periods. The first Pahar will be worshiped between 6:21 pm to 9:27 pm, second Pahar between 9:27 minutes to 12:33 minutes, third Pahar between 12:33 minutes and 3:39 in the morning and fourth Pahar between 3:39 minutes to 6:45 minutes. The fast will be broken on March 2 after 6:45 am.

On the day of Mahashivratri, after bath, meditate and chant “Om Namah Shivaye”. Do apply bhasma on forehead and wear Rudraksha. Do abhishek of Shivalinga and offer Belpatra. Read Shiva stories and hear stotra, stuti and hymns dedicated to Him. Do hear Rudram chanting atleast once.

In the Maha Shivaratri Mahapuja, 11 Vedic Brahmins with chant Rudri path (Rudram Namakam chamakam) once in each prahar, making it a Ekakash Rudram chanting which is very powerful. Since this is a 4 prahar puja starting from 6:21 pm to 6:45 am the next day, a total of 4 Ekadash Rudram would be performed. Other than this pujas would be performed on the Navagrahas, the 64 yogins, various Gods and Goddesses. Also various rounds of Pranav and Mahamrityunjaya mantra chanting would be done along with melodious Shiva Tandav Strotra, Shivashtakam, Rudrashatakam, Shiva mahiman strotra and many more.

Do not miss participating in the most powerful puja for Shiva devotees!!

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